Adult Neuropsychological Evaluations
Adult Neuropsychological Evaluations
Neuropsychological evaluations are often requested when there are symptoms or complaints involving memory or thinking. Changes in concentration, memory, language, coordination, or personality may be due to any of a number of medical, neurological, psychological, or genetic causes. Testing will be helpful in understanding your specific situation.

A typical neuropsychological evaluation can look at cognitive skills including intelligence, executive functions (like planning and organization), attention and concentration and learning and memory among others. A full neuropsychological evaluation will also look at other symptoms such as depression or anxiety that might impact thinking skills.
Test results can also be used to help diagnose illnesses since different conditions result in different strengths and weaknesses in different cognitive domains. Therefore, the results can be helpful in determining which areas of the brain might be involved and what illness might be operating. For instance, testing can help to differentiate among Alzheimer’s disease and depression.