General Information

Getting Started
We strive to provide a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere at CBH. When you contact the office, the friendly and knowledgeable staff will assist you with all of your questions and concerns.
CBH accepts the following major insurances for therapy:
- Aetna
- Beacon Health Strategies
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Cigna
- Fallon Community Health
- Fallon Total Care
- Neighborhood Health
- Tufts
- United Behavioral Health
The following insurances are accepted for testing:
- Beacon Health Strategies
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Cigna
- Fallon
- Medicare
- Tufts Commercial
- Unicare
Please note some services such as neuropsychological testing require preauthorization from your insurance company.
As part of our policy we collect copays and any fees not covered by insurance before you see your provider and ask to keep a credit card on file for ease of transactions.
Cash Policy
CBH only accepts credit card payments and payment by check. We do not carry cash on the premises.
Directions and Parking
Worcester: Offices are at 397 Grove Street, across from Ciao Bella in the same building as the Worcester EAW. Parking is in the rear. As you are heading down Grove Street and you pass the Sunoco gas station on your right and Shaw’s supermarket on your left you will very quickly see the Cornerstone Behavioral Health sign in front of a brick building with white trim which is where our offices are located.